Building a Developer OS with Notion

This is the post I shared my latest Notion template for developers to work on their software engineering projects easier with clarity, focus, and systems

Building a Developer OS with Notion
Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how to develop a comprehensive solution for your current and upcoming software engineering projects? If yes, you are at the right place to visit. As a technical co-founder and quantum AI researcher in Taiwan, I basically code various programming projects daily. From research API to the frontend interface of our product, there are immense resources, documentation, and tasks I need to manage throughout this progress. Therefore, I developed a simple Notion template that you can use for your software engineering projects with clarity and focus. And today, I would like to share I developed such a system as a template to help me develop faster and debug easier with a wide range of technical challenges.

Design Principles:

  • Clarity: Bring clarity to your software engineering role with the knowledge base and developer log
  • Focus: Bring focus by using our daily highlight and to-dos list for you to get started with your software engineering projects
  • Project-oriented: Organize your software engineering work and manage it by projects and various stages of development

About Dev OS:

On the main page, there are five primary components you can start out with. The first one is a quick starter where you can create a web link button to quickly access websites like GitHub or Azure Portal. Secondly, your daily to-dos list is shown under the quick starter section.

Also, you could use the built-in project management system and knowledge base to organize contents and progress for your software engineering tasks. Keeping a developer log is crucial for you to stay up-to-date with the latest development works with your co-workers. This design within the template helps you easily create a daily log.

If you want to know more about this template or the development habits I learned from this channel below, here are some helpful resources to get started.

Notion Template - Developer OS for Software Engineers
If you are a software engineer or technical professional, you will need this template because,Help you to manage daily meetings and to-dos with easeManage project with a bird-eye view Bring clarity to your project with the project managerLearn new technologies with documentation and learning notes