How to use GitHub to leverage your coding skill?

This is the post where I shared how to use GitHub to learn more about coding and software engineering

How to use GitHub to leverage your coding skill?
Photo by Yancy Min / Unsplash

 Hi there, my name is Mark, a computer science student. I am currently leading product development within my latest venture, DXDR. Also, I learned a lot about how to develop professional software by simply collaborating. Learning from others on GitHub has given me an immense acceleration in learning how to code. Therefore, I would like to share how I learned to program with GitHub to leverage my software engineering skills.

 First of all, there are mainly three methods to learn how to code,

  • Learning by imitation
  • Learning by collaboration
  • Learning by try-and-error

 For each method, there are various advantages you can acquire from that technique. For example, you can learn how to collaborate with other software engineers remotely just on GitHub with Git and other technologies. GitHub could also provide a perfect playground to look at other top software engineers' source code to understand how and why they wrote it like this. So, without further ado, let's get started.

Learning by imitating

 The first method is called learning by imitation. In English, it basically means that when you are reading others' source code, trying to think about how and why they are doing like. Is there any particular format or layout that a professional software engineer uses?

Learning by collaboration

 If you want to become a software engineer at a large company like Google or Meta. Then, we need to learn how to collaborate with others to develop applications via GitHub. Creating collaborative software could be more challenging than you imagine working on GitHub.  

Learning by errors

 Pushing your source code to a GitHub repository opened a new opportunity for you to engage with others to learn more about your coding styles and logic. However, people might correct the error and report some bugs with your code repository. This could be a perfect learning experience for an individual developer to learn from other experienced software engineers. It can hardly be done without using GitHub to share your work with others.


In the end, here are the top three strategies for learning and improving my software engineering skills with GitHub and its fantastic communities. If you want to more about my work, here is my GitHub profile.

MarkCodering - Overview
Tech Entrepreneur of @DXDR-AI || Quantum Algorithms Researcher @ntu-quantum-finance - MarkCodering