Life OS - My personal project manager on Notion - Part 1

This is part one of the life OS series with the Notion note-taking application

Life OS - My personal project manager on Notion - Part 1
Photo by Stanley Dai / Unsplash

 Hi there, my name is Mark, a computer science student and a tech entrepreneur based in Taiwan. Today, I would like to share how I personally use Notion to build my life operating system (Life OS) to manage all of the tasks, events, and projects within my life and the things around it. By harnessing life management techniques with the right mindset and methods, life can be much easier since we don't need to memorize all critical tasks and events. We can delegate these things to a productive system like Life OS to automate or systemize the process.

 Before we get started if you haven't heard of Notion, here is a brief introduction to the application. This is simply a workspace for you and your team to work on project management, documentation, or just note-taking with flexibility and organization. And here are some of the contents I have about Notion,

Notion Tutorial: How to Construct a Daily Highlight with Notion Checkboxes
This is a quick tutorial on using Notion to make the daily highlight with an existing template available for free.

 And now, here are some of the core features of life OS on the Notion workspace,

  • Time-blocking Calendar
  • Note Taking System
  • OKR Manager
  • Project Management System

 In part one of the life OS series, I will briefly introduce how to use the time-blocking calendar and note-taking system to help you memorize an n important events or an idea for your upcoming project. Both components or modules can help you offload some of the tasks stored in your brain to our digital productivity system, Life OS.

Time-blocking Calendar: Where life got organized

 The picture below briefly demonstrates how I use Notion to do time-blocking; if you are interested in the idea of time-blocking with Notion, feel free to check out this video on my YouTube channel to show you how to do time-blocking with ease.

Note-taking System: Where your idea got captured

 However, we need a system or tool to capture your idea or the content you find interesting. A simple but effective note-taking system can save time documenting and organizing your idea. Here are some tips from my years of experience using Notion as a note-taking application.

  • Using Gallery for your note database is more effective than organizing it by pages.
  • Use tags or properties as a label to search faster, not just put contents onto them.
  • Use the sorting and filtering functions to help search and organize the content without effort.

Here is a demonstration of how I use Notion as a note-taking tool.

 In the end, you organize and even generate ideas for your life with an effective system. It can, just like your computer's operating system, provide a platform for your innovative solutions to run with the organization. The next part of the blog will introduce how to use Notion to manage your projects and goals, whether at work or personal life. True, this system has transformed my life regarding the effectiveness of execution and clarity of management. I can't even imagine how I can gonna live without this operating system with Notion.