My new tool for improving concentration in during university lectures

Concentration Note-taking Learning tips Learning tactics

My new tool for improving concentration in during university lectures
Photo by Marc Mintel / Unsplash

 Hi there, my name is Mark; I am a computer science student in Taiwan and an undergraduate researcher focusing on quantum machine learning. For the past month, I have discovered a novel method in combatting my losing concentration during lectures in college. This solution has helped me to learn more and focus on what matters the most every day and, more importantly, every class.

Writing things down

 The most important thing first is to write things down during the lecture. Whenever it is a crucial fact or a critical concept to remember, it is helpful to write down what you have learned in your own phases that help you form an idea within your brain. Also, writing things down help you to organize the facts, concepts, and procedures you need to revise after the lecture ends. The following section will briefly introduce how to document your learning performance while keeping up-to-date with your latest address.

Document your journey

 The second thing is to document the journey, which helps you to learn more about what you have known for a day or weeks. You could also find this method in the book written by Cal Newport, How to Become a Straight-A Student. It can not just help you to learn more about progress and learning curve but also helps to combat our inevitable emery, procrastination. I suggest writing the following things down to memorize the critical states of your learning progress.

  • How many practices did I accomplish today:
  • What is the current lecturing progress for the subject:
  • What is my recent provision progress for the subject:
  • What is my current revision progress for the subject:
  • What is the next big date for the course? (Like exam or assignment deadline)

Revise your performance

 Once you write things down and document your learning curve, it is vital to have a feedback loop to make an improvement daily or weekly. There are various methods to experiment with to leverage our performance in learning. The way I revise my learning performance is to ask myself the following questions,

  • What is the learning trajectory I am heading to so far?
  • What key facts, concepts, or procedures must I master within the subjects?
  • What knowledge and skills can I apply to my life or career right now or in the distant future?
  • How to improve my learning performance in terms of quality and speed?

Keep the wheel spinning.

 In the end, I learned more and paid more attention to the classes since I applied those methods to leverage my level of concentration during the lessons. Learning in the lecture is one of the most high-yielding things you can do as an undergraduate student, especially if you are studying STEM subjects. I hope this post be helpful to your future learning adventures!