Notion Tutorial: How to Construct a Daily Highlight with Notion Checkboxes

This is a quick tutorial on using Notion to make the daily highlight with an existing template available for free.

Notion Tutorial: How to Construct a Daily Highlight with Notion Checkboxes
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

 Hi there, my name is Mark, a computer science student, undergraduate researcher, and tech start-up founder. For the past two years in my college career, I have been struggling with various tasks and challenges that happened simultaneously. Therefore, I strive to develop a systematic approach to "make more time" for my day. The book, Make Time is a perfect example of how to utilize a systematic solution to help you not be more productive but create more space in your daily life.

 The book mentioned an important concept named Daily Highlight, a single project or task that is most important, enjoyable, or urgent in your project pipeline. Once you have identified your daily highlight, you can start with a "Might-Do List" to plan your day. In today's article, I have found a method to full utilfullythis productivity system with Notion. Yes, Notion can help you with this idea of making Time and daily planning!

 Suppose you haven't heard about Notion before. In that case, it is a productivity application and a generalized note-taking software that helps you think with Notion while maintaining maximum creativity and flexibility.

Notion – One workspace. Every team.
We’re more than a doc. Or a table. Customize Notion to work the way you do.

 First, you will need to create a Notion workspace and open a new page to use. You can start with the following structure.

  • Date:
  • Daily Highlight:
  • Might Do List:
  • Daily Reflection:

The challenge is, however, how to decide which task or project is your daily highlight. This question can be answered by filling out the following form.

  • What is the most urgent task on your project list?
  • What is the most important task on your project list?
  • What is the most enjoyable task on your project list?

Once you find out the answers to those questions, you will better understand how to set your daily highlight with ease. Also, here is a Notion template that you can use right away with the following link:

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It’s the all-in-one workspace for you and your team

In the end, the concept of productivity from the book "Make Time" is not about getting more things done with less amount of time. Instead, it provides a handful of resources and tactics on how you create more time in your daily to-do list to allow you to enjoy your life at the pace you want!