Start-up Journey

Start-up Journey

Entrepreneurial Journey

Next Stop - DXDR
Hi, there. My name is Mark, and I am currently studying computer science and working on my next venture. Yes! I am starting a venture after a year of pause and growth. With Seth Harding, a brilliant National Taiwan University graduate, we are on a mission to provide end-to-end data-science

Technical Diary

Building your first AI solution from end-to-end with Microsoft Azure
This is a quick tutorial and introduction for beginners in cloud-based machine learning to build their first ML workspace on Microsoft Azure.
How to start learning web development? - From Front-end to Back-end
Web developmentReact Frontend developmentBackend engineeringMERN stack
How did learning how to code empowers me to be different? - My story of coding projects
Hi there, my name is Mark, a computer science student and tech entrepreneur based in Taiwan. My first engagement with programming was when I graduated from elementary school. Luckily, I learned how to do C programming when I had just kicked started my learning career. And today, I would like