Annual Review - The Finale of 2022

This post is where I shared what did I learn from this year of the amazing journey

Annual Review - The Finale of 2022
Photo by Ilja Tulit / Unsplash

 This is the finale of 2022, the end of the year, a year of challenges and growth. The time has passed for whatever we have achieved, failed, learned, and lost this year. The clock has sounded the bell of the ending. Therefore, I would like to share some memorable journeys and lessons I learned this year.

 Hi there, my name is Mark; if you are new to this blog, I am a tech entrepreneur based in Taiwan and VA, U.S. For the past month, I have worked closely with Seth Harding, an excellent graduate of National Taiwan Univerisity, to create our first AI venture in the U.S. and Taiwan. Today, I would like to share what we have learned this year.

Entrepreneurship: DXDR LLC

 First, I co-founded an AI solution company based in VA, U.S., and Taipei, Taiwan, with Seth Harding earlier this year. Recently, we have been admitted to the global start-up program from Microsoft called Microsoft for Start-ups. For the past months, we have helped our first client, NTU OIA, to build their solution of an automated registration form for international students coming to NTU this year.

 Apart from that, we are currently developing an AI-driven knowledge management application for software engineers. The application, DragonNote, is a novel method of knowledge, project, and software management solutions powered by the latest NLP technologies. The first initial releases will be announced on our company website.

Solutions | DXDR
DXDR Implementing the essential data science services your business needs for digital transformation. Accelerate your business with AI-powered solutions.

 Throughout all of these accomplishments, there is a lot of hard work and failure involved. Firstly, Microsoft rejected us for the start-up program, and the angel investor from Taiwan said our company didn't have a strong and explicit value proposition. Luckily, both Seth and I learned fast in this journey. Failure is often a great learning opportunity for everyone with the right mindset.

Fail fast, learn fast, and never stop learning.

 So far, our team is full throttle ahead of the development trajectory of our company next year. With the development of our open-source search solution, SG-API and DragonNote, we can't wait to share our development and latest releases with you in the upcoming months.

 If you want to learn more about the lessons I learn from this venture, please check out this article.  

What did I learn from building a tech start-up - A Microsoft for Start-ups’ founder’s perspective
This is the post where I shared my experiences and lesson-learned by funding and building a tech start-up in VA, U.S.

Avionics Team, Space Technology Laboratory

 Working with a group of outstanding talents from the aerospace engineering department at Tamkang University was an honor. This year, I am proud that all of you have chosen the path for your upcoming chapter next year with the admissions to National Taiwan University and many exciting moments about to show up next year. Also, here is the post where I shared what did I learn from the lessons learned from this rocketry journey.

3, 2, 1, lift-off! What did I learn from Space Technology Laboratory (STL)? - Part 1
Before we get started, here is something I want to share to briefly introduce our laboratory and what we have done for the past 5 years. Hi there, my name is Mark. I am a computer science student and avionics engineer at Space Technology Laboratory (STL), Tamkang University. For the

Studying at University

 Well, the most upsetting failure I have had this year is my academic performance at the university I am studying, Tamkang University. But, I found that the reasons behind the academic pitfalls were my wrong studying skills and inefficient time management. Therefore, one of my most important goals next year in 2023 is to improve my emotion control and leverage my focus and attendance rate, resulting in better class performance. In the end, active recall and spaced repetition will better train my brain to memorize the key facts and equations I need to use during the exam.

Quantum Computing Research

 I have been fortunate to be able to join the quantum finance research group at National Taiwan University (NTU). The research team consists of talented Ph.D. students, faculty members, and undergraduates to explore the future of quantum computing and how it could benefit financially. Throughout this program, I learned more about conducting legitimate research with a solid academic foundation and inference process.

 Also, I have learned how to work with a group of talented and outstanding individuals to improve myself from academic and other perspectives. Moreover, these experiences truly solidify my dream of becoming a Ph.D. student in the future in the area of quantum computing or computer science in general.

Personal Growth

In the end, I have found an effective way to get fit: to train more weight lifting. Also, I have learned to use a reading tracker and a second brain to enrich my knowledge, skills, and experiences to learn more about myself and the world. Also, I am working on building an effective system for myself to manage my time, energy, and focus on working on the things I genuinely love with effectiveness and productivity


If you reach this far from the beginning to the end of this article, I am thankful for your patience and willingness to learn with us throughout this journey.  So, if you want to learn more about my entrepreneurial and academic journey, subscribe to my weekly newsletters with your email for free! See you next year in 2023!