What did I learn from building a tech start-up - A Microsoft for Start-ups' founder's perspective

This is the post where I shared my experiences and lesson-learned by funding and building a tech start-up in VA, U.S.

What did I learn from building a tech start-up - A Microsoft for Start-ups' founder's perspective
Photo by Proxyclick Visitor Management System / Unsplash

 Hi there, my name is Mark, a computer science student and a tech startup founder. For the past five to ten months, I have worked with Seth Harding and many other fantastic talents on the team to provide an end-to-end AI solution by conducting AI technical consulting and engineering an AI-driven application. So far, we have been accepted to the Microsoft for Start-up program, accelerating our business development. Today, I would like to share what I learned as a co-founder and lead developer in the AI tech startup.

The idea is cheap, but implementation is even more critical.

 There are tons of great ideas pitched to VC or clients each year. But how you execute the concept and vision makes a great startup with traction and profitability. People new to the startup ecosystem will always say that a great new idea that no one has thought out is the best idea to move forward with. However, many people probably came up with that brilliant idea before but failed to execute it to make a product-market fit.

 However, you could ask yourself if I have an innovative solution to solve the product idea that has been there for years. How could I build it 10 times faster and better than other competitors? Your competitors will not just be limited to a small startup community but a much bigger market as a whole. I learned from two years of being in the startup community while trying to be a successful entrepreneur that the strategy and methods you execute to your idea will determine if your solutions hit the market with profit and positive impacts.

Collaboration is based on communication.

 The number one killer of a startup or any great institution is miscommunication. Collaboration is fundamentally set upon an effective and rapid communication channel between co-founders and your team. I often found that talking from your message's receiver's perspective is one of the best ways to deliver your idea without a carrier.

 Communication is not a single linked channel; it is an interconnected network where people deliver their ideas, report problems, and updates progress. As a company founder, if you can't cultivate a friendly and open culture, there will often be a wall between the teams, executives, clients, and investors.

 So, this is what I learned from communicating with a diverse, international startup team.

  • Structure your idea with clarity
  • Deliver your message with openness
  • Listen to others' voices, even you start to talk

Innovation starts with problem-solving

 I would say that every great innovation started by solving a challenging but demanding problem. If you don't know the best startup idea to get going, it would be great to rethink the issues and solutions around you. Starting with the question, "How could I solve the problem ten times faster or better than the existing solutions."

 Also, there is an excellent video from the current president of Y-Combinator, aka YC, that you could refer to to learn more about ideating your startup's idea with the three main factors, new technology, behavior, and policy.

The Lean Start-up Method for Tech Start-up

A critical idea or startup business approach you could have as a founder is the "Lean Start-up." It is a model of starting a company with a scientific method called validated learning via innovation accounting. Never put many resources before you validate your business models and idea; validating your idea is essential at a startup, and even critical after your business takes off. I am still reading the book, which will be published as the book of the month blog section.

In the end, being a start-up found is fun, but it will not be an easy journey. It is a journey of rejection, failure, and stress but also an adventure of growth, understanding, challenge, and many more. Can't wait to work with the amazing founders of the company, Seth and Rachel, to further the growth of our company in the next coming year.